T-Mobile Home Internet Arcadyan Cooling Fan Mod Unboxing & Overview

2 years ago

DC3Dprojects Etsy listing: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1185439061/t-mobile-arcadyan-fan?click_key=ae08d928660c6359ae48f10d491af89ffc62bb24%3A1185439061&click_sum=5f5aff77&ref=shop_home_recs_1&frs=1&crt=1
I've been using this T-Mobile gateway for a few months now and it never seems to get hot but is always warm to the touch but since my entire connection to the internet is dependent on this one device, I decided to add this custom cooling fan. At the end of the video the mic must have picked up some feedback from having the gateway in close proximity to it.

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