Brains, The Other Pink Meat - Project Zomboid (Multiplayer)

2 years ago

Project Zomboid w/ Todoh, Crafter, Silent Companion and New Adventurer from Team CSTN. If this stream is less than 2 hours, call your doctor!


We're back after some rather necessary hiatus! Couldn't really make it happen on the last few Fridays. I'm sure you were all broken up about it. Well luckily we do believe that, at least this time around, we could perhaps add another part to this series. Not that you're missing very much, as most Zomboid playthroughs typically boil down to "this is where we're holding out, this is what we have so far before/after utilities cease, and this is what we aim to do now". For me the latter comes down to "fishing", but that's just me. Hope you enjoy the stream (however long it is), and have a good one!

- Todoh


Oh, and if you'd like to help support small-timers like us, we'd appreciate you stopping by our Ko-fi page down there. Thanks in advance.

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