#FreeStyle2 #PowerLoopPractice #Flying16thDayInaRow

3 years ago

#FreeStyle2 #PowerLoopPractice #Flying16thDayInaRow
I had already flown 3 packs and while I may have done one hear and there more by accident than anything, this time, while flying, decided I was going to go for it.
I always hesitated about actually purposefully working on them. Lots of crap on the ground level to run into as you will see, LOL. I know, many seasoned pilots don't care what's in the way and managed to miss them or whatever but I am old and slow, LOL.
I'll Be Droned actually inspired me so Dan-O, these power loops are for you brother!
Just did day 22 of flying in a row, woo hoo!
Music from the You tube Library:
Slow Times

If you get a wild hair and feel like donating to my channel, the link is included here. Soon there will be "Love my Drones and sailing"! Prindle 18 Catamaran that needs some TLC!
#Love my Drones #FPV #FrSky #Taranis QX-7 #FXT Technology

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