Author Reading, "Surviving the Occult" by Robyn Kranig / Satanic Ritual Abuse /SRA Testimony #Short

2 years ago

This #short is a collection of statement that I made in the "Healing Notes" section of Chapter 14 "Power Structure" Page 162 and 163.

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General Information and Links

There is much work to do in the time of THE REMNANT!

Satanic Ritual Abuse has been practices by the occult since ancient times. It has a profound effect on modern culture. They never stopped passing babies through the fire. They just hid and practiced. They have infiltrated The Church.

The same programming that I experienced during SRA I see alive and well all around me. Many who believe in Jesus are still affected by these evil teachings. Manhood, womanhood and parenting is more satanic than we realize. Even, Pedophilia could possibly be legalized. It is certainly being

SO WHAT DO WE DO NOW? We give up on FEAR, and stick close to THE TRUTH!

It gets more complicated as we see narcissism in what we think is Church Leadership. A narcist society where most people do not understand that narcissism is the enemy's way of life.

Most people don't even know that our view of self defense is often tainted.

SRA survivors have a hard load. Our healing starts with a lot of pain dysfunction and confusion. However, those of us who have healed show that when we do we become Gods mighty

The enemy can cause some scary stuff to happen. Survivors are called to have faith profoundly beyond the average believer. When we come out of the suffering we do it with a purpose.

Satanic ritual abuse is real. More and more survivors are coming forth and God is bringing us together. There is
healing for us, deliverance is not impossible. Miracles are available. Jesus was there with me during the abuse, and he is with us now. Feel free to contact us with any questions.

On our website we have a blog, and you can download the #freeebook​ version of my testimony. Donations appreciated but not required.

Deliverance is not impossible. Miracles are available. Jesus was there with me during the abuse, and he is with us now. Feel free to contact us with any questions.

On our website we have a blog, and you can download the #freeebook​ version of my testimony. Donations appreciated but not required.

Amazon Page
Surviving the Occult: Little Bird and her Jesus

Key Words
#freeebook #satanic #satanicpanic #healing #satanicritualabuse #gangstalking #spiritualwarfare #spiritualwarfareprayers #childhoodtrauma #disociativeidentydisorder #causeofsextrafficking #causeofnarcisism #jesus #helpme #freedominchrist #MKUltra

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