Inflation and the addiction of printing money with Loren Spivack - Part 3

2 years ago

(The conclusion of the 3 part series)

VATP Chairman Nelson Velez talks with "Free Market Warrior" Loren Spivack!

Loren's video feed dropped early into the interview but the information was riveting - so we moved to text emphasis as the hideous similarities between alcoholism and printing money - and the disaster that results if no critical correction is taken - was made evident. Hind-sight and the Weimar example be damned!

This discussion may be the first time you'll get a sickening sense of what is facing us all - even if we can turn somehow turn Brandon's inflation around in time.

Take away points from part 3:
Gold is not an investment. It's a place to park wealth without loosing value.
Crypto Currency is a unresolved issue as regards it can survive due to its intangible nature - which coin will still exist in 50 - 100 years?

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