2 years ago

Avgolemono sauce is a silky and fragrant sauce made of eggs, lemon, and warm broth. I make this step by step and added detail. I’ve loved this soup since I was a little boy and my grandma made it for me. Since then I always wanted to learn an prefect it. I am still learning and nothing is perfect. Every time I feel a cold coming I make this soup. It is the quintessential comfort soup.

Start out with an even pile of chopped
Season chopped veggies with salt and pepper basically a pinch each and then add one pinch of chicken stock powder.

You can use half a chicken or whole chicken or just thighs. I like using thighs.

Use a bold cast iron pot put about 1 or 2 table spoons of olive oil in pot and put chicken pieces skin down on pot and let them cook for about 3 minutes each side. Take chicken piece out of pot and put them on a baking tray put them in oven for about 25-30 minutes at about 350 degrees you can season the chicken if you want but you don’t have to. Depends on if you like salt.

Now add a little bit more olive oil to the pan and throw in your veggies and stir. Let them cook keep stirring. Once it looks like it’s starting to dry add about 1/2 a cup of white wine and let that all reduce if the veggies don’t look cooked enough or they aren’t softened add about 1/4 cup water and let that reduce. All of this should take you about 30 minutes basically while your chicken is cooking in the oven.
In a cheese cloth add two stalks of thyme/rosemary/about 4 or 5 sage leaves. You can use fresh or dry. sage is very strong so you don’t need to put to much just a touch of it to get the sent of it and not the flavor. Add it in and add water probably like 10 cups depending on how much you want and follow what the chicken stock says as far as the comparison of water to stock. By now you can pull your chicken out of the over. Peel off skin and take off extra fat and put the cooked chicken in the pot with the water at whatever size you might want the chicken to be while you eat your soup. Now let the soup come to a boil taste it while it cooks add salt if needed add stock if you feel it needs it.

While that cooks grab two bowls get 4 or 6 eggs depending on how much soup
and separate white from yolks
Whisk each. Grab two or three lemons get juice from lemon put it on the side.
Now sift the egg yolk through a strainer/sifter like you do in baking with flour after you’ve whisked the egg yolks do that twice with the whites and yolks separately then combine the two and put it through whisker again then add lemon juice whisk it together and then sift it again.

Now the soup should be ready let it cool take a portion of the soup into a cup or pitcher you need to pour the soup in very slowly like super super slow so you can whisk wile you poor or the egg will cook in the soup and it’ll break. You can stop poring periodically and keep whisking and then add more of the soup. Now when your done you should have two portions of soup a bowl with soup and the egg lemon and what’s in the pot then you combine the two also slowly and while you whisk.

If you want a thick soup you can add some corn starch to the egg lemon base about 3 table spoons and whisk it together. Put the soup on the lowest burner you have and let it cook for a little bit but watch it make sure it doesn’t get to a boil or it could break but since you put it through the sifter it shouldn’t your only putting it on the heat to thicken and warm it up to eat. That’s it all done. Okay enjoy

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