The Finale (Day 7)

2 years ago

After a fun (albeit exhausting) week of celebrating, it's time to wrap things up.

🗂 Watch the rest of the event:

🤝 Thank you to everyone who made this possible!!!
‣ Chase Adamowicz (as himself)
‣ Emilio Ramirez (camera + drone operator)
‣ Jesse Webb (assistant camera)
‣ Sean Seaman (gaffer)
‣ Matthew Pennington (slate)
‣ Blake Perrine (lead guitarist)
‣ Peter Williford (drummer)
‣ Ocean Nishikatsu (bassist)
‣ William Byrd (game development)
‣ ColeoIsCoolio (irate guy)
‣ Kermit Seaman (local man)
‣ Yadi Pagan (audience)
‣ Maryann Busbuso (audience)
‣ Julian Ramon (audience)
‣ Amanda Nickel (audience)
‣ Alyssa Salas (illustrator)
‣ Cristina Del Coro (@cristidelcoro) (illustrator)
‣ Peaches (@lukewarmpeaches) (illustrator)
‣ Chelsea Akpan (@thankscocoa)(illustrator)
‣ Anji Sun (illustrator)
‣ itsMKOR (illustrator)
‣ Derek DeBusk (City of Arlington)
‣ Richard Treat (Levitt Pavilion)

⭐️ All-Time Greatest Videos:

🥜 PEANUT GALLERY Channel Members:
‣ maladroit
‣ Jacob
‣ LedsenKatt
‣ 20 E's Productions
‣ Jimmy Mullen

💬 Epic Discord Server:

👕 The Drip:

🎵 Ending Song
‣ Broken by Jack Johnson

#ColePerrine #10Years #Celebration

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