Hope For America

2 years ago

Mothers are the last best hope of America! We don't need more government. We need more women of virtue; women of faith who will cultivate a foundation of faith in the hearts of her children. Women of courage who will be ambassadors of truth, who will defend and protect the family at all cost. We need women infused with patriotism who will teach and nurture the principles of liberty and virtue our nation was founded on. Women who will foster a deep love and respect for our beloved America and all she stands for.

We need an army of mothers who will raise a nation of patriots. That is how we will save our beloved America—by growing stronger citizens, citizens who cannot be oppressed, who are capable of facing tough challenges, citizens who are still in love with liberty, know its cost, and are willing to pay the price.

As mothers we have a divine, inherent right to protect, nurture, and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our children. Hope for America is reflected in our vision of the future. You and I, we hold the keys. We are the keepers of the flame. We must do everything in our power to pass on that flame, make sure it burns bright and that it continues to be a light on the hill and a beacon of hope to the world. We are the hope of America. We are the last line of defense between freedom and servitude. What we know and what we nurture in the hearts of our children will literally determine the fate of the free world.

We can no longer stand on the sidelines. The future of America is in our hands. There is hope for America and it is you!

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