"I'm sorry, did you say you were a 'fast cook'--that's it?"

2 years ago

Job one of the Trusted News Initiative was to disinform the public about adequate, approved, and available alternative treatments for COVID-19 to ensure pharmaceutical companies got their Emergency Use Authorizations needed to sell experimental gene-altering injections to the tune of about $98 billion.

While FDA approval of a vaccine normally takes around ten years to obtain, the entire process can be bypassed with an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). To obtain an EUA, there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the candidate product under consideration; else there’s no reason to bypass safety protocols.

Thus, if an adequate, approved, and available alternative drug—like hydroxychloroquine—proved effective against COVID, then Fauci, Big Pharma, and Bill Gates wouldn’t have been able to secure EUA’s to fast-track their billion-dollar vaccines to market by skipping the years of testing protocols people assume the FDA has been enforcing.

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