Working with Hospice as a Home Care Agency with guest John Freitag

3 years ago

Let's talk Marketing and Hospice... Growing your home care agency starts with developing your I.N. (Influencer's Network) Group.

A great referral partner for home care agencies are hospice companies. The 2 agencies have services that compliment each other and, if you are a private pay home care provider, rely on different payer sources so there is no risk on either part. So, how does a home care agency work with hospice? We spoke to John Freitag from All American Hospice and he shared some great insight into the working with Hospice.

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Podcast Replay

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00:00 Start
01:12 Meet John Freitag
01:43 What is Hospice Care?
02:06 Hospice Care Service Offerings
02:55 Who pays for Hospice?
03:27 How many hours of service does Hospice Provide?
04:52 The "Services void" and Home Care
06:04 Best ways for Private Home Care to approach Hospice
06:49 Understanding Needs and Pain Points
07:15 Importance of Special Pricing and Exclusive Offers for a partnership
09:32 Transparency
10:35 Risk of being "New"
11:57 Pricing and Minimum Service Hours
12:22 The myth of the "Perfect" agency
13:51 The #1 Don't when approaching
15:05 Final "Take-away

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