Transformation Thursday: Why Your Expectations Kill Your Productivity

3 years ago

Transformation Thursday; Why Your Expectations Kill Your Productivity

Everyone wants to be productive all the time, but our expectations often get in the way.

In fact, the number one killer of productivity IS our expectations.

The expectation that everyone around us understands what we are saying.

The expectation that everyone around us thinks the same way we do.

The expectation that those around us will deliver the exact results we are looking for with little communication.

If you are drowning in rework, it may be time to reevaluate how we are asking for what we want.

Join me right here in the Facebook group on April 29th at noon MST where I will go LIVE and discuss why your expectations kill your productivity.

Expectations aren’t universal. Let’s have a conversation, so our expectations are communicated, and our productivity is sky-high.

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