Dr.Berg's Healthy Keto Basics: Step 2: WHAT TO EAT

2 years ago

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If you're new to Dr. Berg's channel, this is the second of many helpful videos to watch. The first video was made specifically to help those of you looking for keto basics and how to start keto. In this video, Dr. Berg continues to build on the intermittent fasting and healthy keto basics shared in the first video. If you have friends or family members wondering how to start keto as well, don't forget to point them to this video too!

Learn more about healthy keto and intermittent fasting:

1. Go as long as you can in the morning without eating. Don't eat unless you are hungry.

You need to keep pushing it to the point where your body is fully adapted to fat-burning, and you're no longer in sugar-burning. Adapting to ketosis could take 3-5 days or longer.

While on the healthy keto diet, try doing 2 meals a day with a 4 hour eating window, which will give you a 20 hour fasting period. This can give you major results, except if you're dealing with issues like:

• Menopause
• A slow thyroid condition
• A history of dieting
• A slow metabolism

If you're struggling with one of the issues above, you may need to start only eating one meal a day on the ketogenic diet to see significant results. But, in some cases, you still may not see results or weight loss. In this case, you may have to have one meal every other day until the system heals.

2. What to eat during meals while doing the healthy keto diet and intermittent fasting:

Meal Option 1:
• Eggs (2-4) – pasture-raised organic
• Avocado
• Cheese - high-quality, organic, grass-fed
• Bacon - nitrate-free, organic, less than 1g of sugar
• Nut Butter – almond butter, peanut butter (sugar-free)

Meal Option 2:
• Meat (3-6 oz.)
• Vegetables or salad (with olive oil + vinegar) (SIBO:
• Nuts / Seeds
Meal Option 3:
• Fish / Sea Food – salmon, sardines
• Salad
• Fat bomb

Meal Option 4:
• Chicken (with skin)
• Asparagus
• Olives

Important Things to Remember:
• It's okay to consume vitamins any time of the day
• It's okay to consume ACV (apple cider vinegar) and lemon
• It's okay to consume coffee and tea (only one in the morning—try a bulletproof coffee with MCT oil)
• If you have an urge to snack, it means you need more fat and greens
• If you have cravings for bread, then you need more B vitamins (electrolytes, B vitamins, and nutritional yeast)
• Consume sea salt
• Get exercise (the best time to exercise is when you're fasting)
• It can take 3 to 5 days or longer to fully keto-adapt (the way to know you are in ketosis is if you don't crave anymore)

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 56, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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