1-Shot Turkey Hunting: Beards and Spurs 2022, Public Land- Incredible! Tom Flies In And Out!

2 years ago

1-Shot Turkey Hunting, Beards and Spurs 2022 watch as Vince continues to hunt on Public Land on National Forest in the Blue Ridge Mountains. After successfully harvesting a mature tom in his last video, he is out to fill his tag. In this video he calls a bird off the roost only to watch it fly right to him. The bird lands only 10-15 yards away and prevents any camera adjustments. the tom gobbles while Vince can only watch him walk away. After letting him walk away, Vince re-positions himself and calls the bird back in a second time. This hunt starts before daylight and goes into the midday, with attempts made to try and harvest this bird. Some educational aspects of turkey hunting are learned in this video, while also experiencing some what if's. Vince shares some information he learned after having a discussion with two wildlife biologist on turkey populations. A mature tom is filmed in this video along with some great gobbling sequences!

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