Dog shot multiple times - why would anyone do that?? 😡😡😡

2 years ago

Thank you so much for watching Julian's video. I really hope you will join us in saving more animals off the streets so they won't become victims of cruel actions as he suffered. A small donation to #HopeForPaws would help us save more and more animals:

When our friend Melanie went to check on him since she was close by, he ran away towards the freeway, so she backed away... the sun was settings, and a dog on the freeway is extremely dangerous not only for the dog but for people too. I asked JoAnn Wiltz to set up the clock to 5 A.M and meet me at the rescue location. I figured that by the time we get there, we will have sunlight, and after another freezing night, he will be more desperate for help. My hunch worked 😎👍

#Julian is now in a foster home with our friends at The Little Red Dog so if you would like to adopt him, please fill out an application here:

I wanted to say thank you so much for all the beautiful cards you sent to the Hope For Paws team and the #CARES medical team! It makes us so happy to receive all these letters, and if you would like to join this celebration, our address is:

Hope For Paws
8950 W. Olympic Blvd West #525
Los Angeles, CA 90211

Happy Holidays! I will post another video for Christmas!


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