JP Himka and the Rest of Ukrainian History: The Jewish View, Etc. - part 9

2 years ago

In this series of videos on Ukraine, I look into parts of its history that were deemphisized, misrepresented or deleted entirely in Plokhy's book, using videos of John-Paul Himka, professor of Ukrainian history from the Univ of Alberta. Himka's history is definitely mainstream, but, perhaps a product of his US midwestern/Canadian roots, his rather naive innocence regarding what can be mentioned and what can't in today's Holocausted politically-correct America makes him a useful guide through matters involving western Ukraine as the source of much of the country's nationalist and Jewish activism among other things. Given today's Zelensky-Kolomoisky-Azov Battalion-Putin Jewish-neonazi connections and narrative-building battle on both sides, it's an important window into what is really going on in Ukraine (and Washington and Moscow) today.

In parts 9, 10 and 11 I show a more Judiazed view of Ukrianian history from a Himka discussion with two Jewish figures on a Jewish platform, covering the 1917-21 civil war period pogroms, OUN Holocaust collaboration and relating that to the last decade. And then Himka's responses in a Q&A on another talk covered earlier which addresses a series of important matters - Ukrainian language, Jewish and Russian ethnicity, the Donbass and the broader "Russian Spring", the far right today including Azov, and the Ukrainian diaspora (which gets cut off, unfortunately). The 12th and last part of this series, which I'll probably do this weekend, will be my conclusions on all of this historical work.

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