3 years ago

➡️BEST Products To IMPROVE Your Training Performance⤵️
➡️Best Supplements to Improve Your Workout
➡️The Best Vertical Jump Program! Start now!!


A) Cable Donkey Kicks (I’m using my BBE Ankle Strap - link in bio - however it is possible to do it without weights or with the addition of ankle weights or bands).

10 reps working on full range of motion +
10 pulses at the top ! OUCH 🔥

B) Alternating Side Lunges (I’m holding 2 x 10 kg dumbells however it’s possible to do it without any weights or with the addition of a barbell or even by resting your ankle weights over your shoulders).

20 reps total

C) Sumo Squat into Sumo Deadlift (I’m holding a single 15 kg dumbell however it’s possible to do it without any weights or with the addition of a barbell or bands).

12 reps of each movement

D) Banded Side to Side Step Jumps (I’m using my favourite home gym equipment by @aussiestrength plus two light bands - use my discount code ‘ANA15’ - Sorry but there’s no good alternative to this amazing exercise 🤣 however you could simply perform the same exercise without the bands or body weight ‘Double Foot Side Hop’ . If you don’t have a stepper (you suck! 😜🤣… joking, relax!) you can then chose your favourite plyometric exercise such as any explosive jump squats/ lunges etc to not only challenge your fatigued muscles 😜 from the resistance workout 🏋🏽‍♀️ but to also improve your speed, strength and power.

20 jumps total

* Aim for 3 to 5 sets. 🔼🔼🔼

#homegym #homegymsetup #homegymlife #homegymworkout #homegymideas #homegymequipment #bootyworkout #peach #bootygainsinprogress #bootybuilding #hotpink #bumbumnanuca #brazilianbuttexpress #brazilianbuttexpressau #anacoppolapt #sydneypersonaltrainer #littlebay #littlebaypersonaltrainer #aussiestrength #fitnesslove #exerciseroutine #exercisemotivation #plyometrics #calisthenics #bodyweightworkout .
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