Lauren Southern Doesn't Understand Capitalism: A Libertarian Critique

3 years ago

Lauren Southern doesn't understand capitalism, unfortunately, although she means well, she misconstrues capitalism. If you would like to check out her video 'A Conservative Critique of Capitalism' you can check that out here:

In her video she gives 3 critical arguments, but none of it makes sense, which confuses me over her own position of where she stands. She wrongly misconstrues today's economy as some type of capitalism and erroneously claims capitalism is the problem for corporations dominating the market. The baseless claims she has made has nothing to back them. The thing that contradicts her position is that government intervention created the very problems she complains about.

A fine example for this is her second critique claiming that capitalism destroys the community and culture, but as we know, it's actually socialism through welfare statism that destroyed the community spirit. Furthermore, it resulted in moral degradation that correlates to her third critique relative to the moral argument of capitalism. She doesn't seem to comprehend that capitalism serves for what the people are in demand of, which illustrates that it is a common problem to misunderstand the role of prices and what profits are.

Claiming that capitalism is immoral because of an individuals poor choices in life is also an illogical fallacious argument, it fails to acknowledge that the problems people are faced with personally through poor decision making is the same for any system, therefore, nothing as such to do with capitalism. Instead, capitalism would actually cater for such people in need through charitable operations and other voluntary action. She fails to comprehend that capitalism rewarding success and punishing failure is actually a good thing and it sounded to me like as if she was making an argument in favour of government subsidies by complaining about the financial independence of someone possibly facing losses.

It is no different to her stance against Libertarianism, as I've explained, Libertarianism is incompatible with free flow of immigration, unless there is specific private property designated specifically for that purpose and if anyone is to blame for the terrorist problems, it is governments and all the war intervention, as well as governments funding the likes of ISIS.

It is also a fallacious claim to make out that capitalism has never been tried and then claim that we live under some form of capitalism today, just as wrong as stating that capitalism is the fault for the problem in the mainstream media, etc.

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