Communism is slipping into the USA under the guise of Racism. What does Racism really mean in 2021?

3 years ago


How communism is being slipped into the USA under the guise of racism. This new racism divides blacks against blacks, blacks against whites, whites against whites, etc.. This harms blacks the most under the charade of civil rights. Let’s get something straight, racism only applies to African-Americans. No other race gets the benefits of this new communism. Rarely do you hear about racism against or benefitting any other race. It may be tempting to point out the murder of Korean’s in Atlanta, as they tried to blame whiteness and Trump voters. What they didn’t tell you the majority of violence against Asians are committed by blacks. Generally speaking, white kill whites, Hispanics kill Hispanics, and blacks and blacks most often, but there is one exception, black on Asian violence. The Human centipede media didn’t’ tell you this because it would go against the narrative that whites are the problem. It is not a recent phenomenon, black-Korean violence fueled the LA race riots of 1992. Presenting facts does not divide people, it does not help the implementation of communism. The centipede and leftists pretend to care about Asians yet they openly discriminate. Harvard and Yale are open about their policy of discrimination against Asians. In fact, joe bidet dropped a DOJ lawsuit against Yale for discriminating against Asians!
Black lies matter has a open policy of breaking up the traditional family and the USA yet they are allowed to black mail corporations. Their name says it all, try to say Asian lives matter and you will be censored faster than you can say the words. Blacks now want their own sperate society and they are getting it. Separate graduation, classes, and they get any demand they want. Key word there is separate.
People of all races can see what is going on, and wonder what happened to all the progress the USA has made. It does not make sense, and it shouldn’t. Racism today is not about civil rights, it is about gaining power and taking down the USA.

What does racism mean? Not much, when everything is racism, nothing is racism. The USA is not a racist nation. Are there bigots? Sure there are but the word "racism" has been cheapened. Over the past 30 years I started to realize that racism was just a means to an end. It was a way for the NAACP, Jessie Jackson, and Al Sharpton celebrity status. It was more annoying than anything else. Over the past year racism has taken on a nefarious definition: communism
The communists in the govt tried to usher in communism by coming out and saying democratic socialism was better than capitalism. It turns out socialism was a losing message. Enough people came from socialist countries and remember the horrors of the life they left behind or the cold war with Soviet Russia.
Plan B, is racism. The communists know that nothing divides American's like racism. The stigma of being called a racist can make people do anything and they know it.
The govt, media, and companies are now pushing "equity" instead of the American idea of equality. Equity is communism. Equity means that everyone gets the same outcome. No matter how hard you work and how little your neighbor does, you both get the same share of they pie. That is the promise of communism, Equality, the American idea, is that everyone gets an opportunity to succeed. Some may choose not to work very hard and earn minimum wage, while others take risks, start business and live the dream.

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