Vlogger travels to REAL-LIFE MIRAGE in Peru

2 years ago

This vlogger travelled to an oasis village surrounded by giant sand dunes and it looked like a real-life MIRAGE.

Construction worker Phillip Gosek, 26, travelled to the incredible desert-oasis of Huacachina, Peru, which has a population of just 100.

The little town, located five kilometres from the city of Ica, is nestled among the mountains of sand and makes for an impressive sight.

It is built around a natural oasis, the waters and muds of which are rumoured by locals to have curative powers that can treat arthritis and rheumatism.

Part-time travel vlogger Phillip, from Canada, said: "I was creating a Peru itinerary for myself when I came across a photo of it online and decided I needed to see this place with my own eyes."

The videos show the tan sand-dunes opening up above the town and the legendary oasis, which travellers have used for its curative powers for years.

Phillip added: “It felt like something out of a movie. It was one of the most unique experiences of my life and I have never seen anything like it.

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