Why Did the Liturgy Change Following the Vatican II?

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Today on "Catholic Drive Time"
Cameron O'Hearn – Mass of the Ages II- Why Did the Liturgy Change Following the Vatican II?

Was Bugnini a Freemason?
Why didn't Paul VI Stop the Changes?
How Do the Changes Look when Compared Side By Side to the Old?

US Overdose Deaths Hit Record 107,000 last year, per the CDC

During A National Shortage of Baby Formula, Congress Passes 40bil Bill to Ukraine

Democrats Fail to Codify Abortion Into Federal Law

Democrats Eat Their Own- "Ruth Sent Us" Protest Nancy Pelosi

Day of Prayer & Fasting? - The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on Tuesday acknowledged that “some abortion advocates are calling for nationwide demonstrations, disruptions of church services, and the personal intimidation of specific Supreme Court justices.”

Second Hour: breaking news, saint of the day, Gospel, Plus New Round of the Catholic trivia game show Fear and Trembling!!!

Then Stay tuned for the Catholic Drive Time After Show!!!! Starting at 7:30 am where we let our hair down and speak more casually across our live streams. We will field questions from our comment sections.

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