Vesica Piscis -- "One Fish, Many Vantage Points"

2 years ago

In this video, I discuss the meaning and significance of my fish/vesica piscis necklace. All forms on Earth emerge from the same transcendent Source and will one day return to it -- but we should remember that all forms are also connected with Source Now and couldn't be otherwise, regardless of how far removed from God some things might appear.

The God essence can be brightened within sick/diseased, evil or negative forms through prayer, intention, shamanic processes, Tantric work, etc. to facilitate transformation. Knowing unshakably that all forms come from Source is key, and focusing on the foundational sacred geometry element vesica piscis can help with optimizing it, moving to the Best timeline and feeling the connection and Oneness all forms share.

For more information regarding the meridian balancing work I referenced to help regulate the brain's amygdala, visit these links:

EFT Meridian Tapping:

EFT's predecessor, TFT (.pdf download):

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