Dr Sam Bailey: RFK Jr. Enters The Viral Existence Debate! (Part 1) [10.05.2022]

2 years ago

Note: Is RFK Jr also a Satanic Controlled Opposition Psyop? - Or just plain Stupid?
Remember! There is NO such thing as a 'Coincidence'!

The beginning and end of Virology - The End of Germ Theory...
'Viruses' does NOT excist! Documented and Confirmed!
(Links for verification and research under all my videos)

TERRAIN - The Film (Part 1 & 2 'Passing the Torch') [12.02.2022]
The End of Germ Theory... TERRAIN exposes the tyrannical world PLANdemic hoax, built upon the flawed model of illness and disease known as Germ Theory.

- Does 'Viruses' exists? (No)
- Does all people have an 'immune system'? (no)
- What is a 'Virus' and a 'Dis'-ease?
- Do you have an 'Dis'-ease?
- What is 'Cancer' and how do I cure it?
- Do you take Pharmakeia 'Medicine'?
- Do you trust the 'Science' alá Big Pharma?
- Who has the 'liability' for all 'medicine' to the people?

- Are you in anyway Sick or Handicapped? (I am)
- Do YOU filter all your water? (I do)
- Do you have diabetes? (I don't)
- Did you all your life trust the 'Science' alá Big Pharma? (I did)
- Did you all your life trust the doctors and the Health System (I did)
- Did you all your life take Big Pharma Pharmakeia 'Medicine'? (I did)
- Do you filter your all the water you drink? (DAFI Water Jug and Living Water Vortex Jug - I do)
- Do you eat any sugar at all? (I don't anymore)
- Do you eat any meat at all? (I don't anymore)
- Do you eat any Processed foods at all? (I don't anymore)
- Do you eat any regular bread? (I don't anymore)

Follow the Fucking Money, Things are Fucking connected and There is NO such thing as a 'Coincidence'!
Why the Fuck do you thing you have an 'Dis'-ease and don't get better?

Watch these Documentarys below and WAKE THE FUCK UP your moron, 99,999% of people i Know, also in here on Telegram (and meet) can and WILL NOT 'understand' why they are 'sick' and why they don't get better...

Timeline + Content:
00:00:00 Commercials/Advertisement
00:32:00 Terrain - The Film 'Part 1'
01:32:00 So Who is Dr. Stefan Lanka PH.D? + Commercials
01:40:00 Introduction + Roundtable Discussion with Cast Members + Commercials
02:47:00 Introduction to Part 2 by David Icke
03:02:00 Terrain - The Film Part 2: 'Passing the Torch' + Commercials
04:15:00 Live Q & A with Marcelina Cravat and Andrew Kaufman, M.D

TERRAIN Trailer: Another 'Strike' from Satanic YouTube Today! Part 1/2 [20.02.2022]
Note: I've have it like this from the beginning when this Plan-Demic started from dec 2019 and the worldvide lockdown in march 2020, that if I just can 'wake up' one person once in a while, the goal is reached... There fore I still share small trailers on my YouTube channel no 2.
'Viruses' does NOT excist! Documented and Confirmed!
The Viral Delusion Part 1 Behind The Curtain of The PLANdemic & The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV-2 [21.03.2022]
The Untold Story Behind The Pandemic. The doctors, scientists and journalists featured in THE VIRAL DELUSION examine in detail the scientific papers that were used to justify the pandemic, and what they find is shattering.

The Viral Delusion Part 2: Monkey Business: Polio, Measles And How It All Began! [27.03.2022]

The Viral Delusion Part 3: The Mask of Death, The Plague, Smallpox and The Spanish Flu! [04.04.2022]

The Viral Delusion Part 4 - AIDS, The Deadly Deception! [04.04.2022]

The Viral Delusion Part 5 - Sequencing The 'Virus' Without The 'Virus'! [06.04.2022]

Dr Sam Bailey - 84 subs.
Published May 10, 2022 - 7 Views

To watch the full video https://drsambailey.com/videos/rfk-jr-enters-the-viral-existence-debate/
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May 10th, 2022 - 7,223 views

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