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See why bad sleep can hinder your hypertrophy gains and even contribute to fat accumulation. And also valuable tips to reverse this situation and have an anabolic sleep!

With the goal of gaining muscle mass it is common for the majority of the population that goes to the gyms to worry about the routine of workouts and diet.
However, to achieve hypertrophy there are other factors, which are responsible for the gain of muscle mass to happen.

What many people don't know is the contribution that a good rest has in the process of increasing muscle mass.

During sleep, anabolic hormones such as GH (growth hormone) and testosterone are released, which are essential to achieve satisfactory results when it comes to hypertrophy.

In this way, in this article we will try to show why poor sleep affects the search for muscle mass increase, besides listing some tips on how to have an anabolic sleep that favors the achievement of good results with training.

Negative effects of sleep deprivation
Sleep has the role of recovering the mind and body after the daily activities, but when you don't get enough rest, physiological changes occur, which interfere in hormone secretion, as well as in cognitive capacities.

In this way we enumerate why it is extremely counter productive for those who train seeking to gain muscle mass, not to sleep enough.

The first negative effect of sleep deprivation is that it harms the action of the immune system.

Insufficient sleep can lower immunity, which makes the person more susceptible to catching colds and flu.

Long nights without proper sleep can affect the immune system, and thus make it more constant to contract diseases, which can lead to withdrawal from training and harm hypertrophy.

The second negative effect of sleep deprivation is that it facilitates fat gain.

Too few hours of sleep contributes to weight gain, and is a contributing factor to the incidence of obesity.

Thus, in order to maintain a well-defined physique, sleeping poorly can lead to greater difficulty in losing fat, besides contributing negatively to the maintenance of muscle mass.

The third negative effect of sleep deprivation is the lower secretion of testosterone and GH.

These two anabolic hormones have their peak production during sleep, and by not getting enough sleep the production of both is impaired.

Therefore, the lower the production of GH and testosterone, the lower the capacity to increase muscle mass, because without an adequate secretion of these hormones hypertrophy becomes very difficult.

The fourth negative effect of sleep deprivation is a lower sensitivity to insulin.

People who sleep less have a lower insulin sensitivity and thus a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Counting also that a lower insulin sensitivity leads to an easier accumulation of fat.

And the fifth negative effect of sleep deprivation is that it causes a higher level of cortisol.

This hormone is important for maintaining blood sugar levels, controlling blood pressure, among other purposes, but a high level for a long time is not healthy.

A constant high level of cortisol leads to the loss of muscle mass (catabolism), besides facilitating the accumulation of fat.

It has been found that people who have short periods of sleep have higher levels of cortisol during the day, so not getting enough sleep makes it much more difficult to achieve good results in terms of hypertrophy.

Therefore, we can conclude that in addition to intense training and a well-balanced diet, a quality night's sleep is necessary to maintain health and quality of life, as well as to achieve good results in terms of hypertrophy.

A bad night's sleep leads to various metabolic disorders and is a risk factor for developing some types of pathologies such as type 2 diabetes.

A good night's sleep recovers the body from the intense routine it was submitted to during the day and has to be taken seriously, especially nowadays with an increasingly accelerated daily life.

Sleep schedule is important for everyone and especially for those who want to perform well in training and achieve their results, so proper attention must be given to rest.

When you go to sleep, it's time to switch off and relax so that you can enjoy the next day refreshed and recovered, and thus be able to train at the appropriate intensity to make progress in your training.

Happy training!

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