Acts 14 & 15 - The Question of Circumcision!

2 years ago

In Chapter 14, Paul continues his missionary journey. He encounters a slew of problems and even gets stoned (and not in a good way).

Chapter 15 has another passage that has caused controversy for many years. It has been classically misinterpreted by antinomians to say obedience to the Father by the Gentiles only consists of four things outlined by the Jerusalem Council. This brings up a number of questions: Is Elohim a respecter of persons? Does Elohim apply different standards of righteousness and judgment to people depending on their bloodline? Did Elohim change or change His mind? Why aren't those four "laws for the Gentiles" specifically listed in the Torah?

Or could it be that this passage (like so many others) has just been totally misinterpreted by those who promote lawlessness? We think you will agree when you watch and see!

Beit Yeshua Torah Assembly

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