Commerce Committee Executive Session

2 years ago


S. 2427, FAIR Contributions Act (Wicker, Capito, Luján)
S. 3053, Providing Research and Estimates of Changes in Precipitation Act (PRECIP Act) (Wicker)
S. 3232, Stop Tip-overs of Unstable, Risky Dressers on Youth Act (STURDY Act) (Klobuchar, Blumenthal, Markey, Baldwin, Luján)
S. 3278, Reese’s Law (Blumenthal, Blackburn, Markey, Luján)
S. 3290, National MEP Supply Chain Database Act of 2021 (Blackburn)
S. 3429, Alaska Salmon Research Task Force Act (Sullivan)
S. 3533, Volcanic Ash and Fumes Act of 2022 (Schatz)
S. 3692, Network Equipment Transparency Act (NET Act) (Hickenlooper, Moran, Tester, Capito)
S. 4145, Consumer Protection Remedies Act of 2022 (Cantwell)
Nomination of Admiral Linda L. Fagan, to be the Coast Guard Commandant (PN1947)
Coast Guard Nominations (PN1916, PN1945, PN2000, PN2001)
*Agenda items subject to change

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