Stock Up NOW Things Are Taking A BAD Turn | Prepare Now | Prepping | SHTF

2 years ago

Stock Up NOW Things Are Taking A BAD Turn | Prepare Now | Prepping | SHTF
Crap Is Hitting The FAN, Time to get Serious.

ADAM SNYDER (water shortage)

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Well things are getting pretty serious, food shortages and supply chain issues and inflation and hyper inflation is ramping up, many law-enforcements have been warned to be on the lookout for increased violence, so everyone needs to be ready for things to get worse maybe civil unrest will be in the future with all of the global crisis is going on, there are issues with China there are issues on the EUROPEAN side, many threats are being made worldwide, the time to prep is now the time to stock up food is now the time to prepare for an emergency is now, be sure you and your family have everything that you need in preparation for emergency, if you’re a prepper continue prepping if you’re a beginner prepper start prepping and continue to learn More skills and continue prepping, it’s an SHTF type of timeline right now STHF kind of means the crap hits the fan that’s when things get really bad well things are starting to ramp up I’ve heard some news I got some important news from someone that Is very alarming, I throw it in at the end of the video.

So be sure to go to the store before the empty shelves crisis happen get what you need now stack it to the rafters, be prepared for a long period of time, Germany is warning their citizens to be ready stocked up with food water medicines for a 10 day emergency, other countries are warning their citizens as well, America is not warning their citizens very well as much as they should, so I am warning you to be ready, be ready for an emergency, be ready for a disaster, be ready for an unprecedented situation.

Remember don’t panic, just prepare now get what you need get what you might need for a long period of time 10 days minimum, the longer the better, prep now stock up now be ready be informed and never stop learning.

The time to stock up is now and be ready be ready for an emergency, it’s prepping survival that we’re talking about being prepared at the Homestead is what we are about and I’m offering a lot of economic updates and how to prep videos we don’t know but I’m pretty sure we’re going to hit a major food shortage in 2022 so this video could be for preppers that are beginners or professional preppers for 2022 that are just looking for some updates, prepping for SHTF is the idea whether you’re a prepper or just a emergency preparedness type of person.

These economic updates and news whether it has to do with China crisis or Taiwan or things that are happening in Europe are helpful helpful for people to know what’s going on and to encourage them to stock up on emergency supplies emergency preparedness is the idea whether it’s an economic crisis an SHTF situation or just common sense being prepared for an emergency, we are here for you.

#stockupnowthingsaretakingabadturn #preparenow #prepping

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