Why IVF Is So Evil w/ Dr. Cudihy, OBGYN

2 years ago

Why IVF Is So Evil w/ Dr. Cudihy, OBGYN

Tim interviews OB/GYN Dr. Damon Cudihy about the many unsung evils of IVF, the synthesis of all reproductive heresies. Dr. Damon explains from a medical perspective how IVF involves or insinuates, at some level: adultery, contraception, abortion, cloning, masturbation, pornography, sterilization, ownership of human beings as chattel property.

Dr. Damon’s website is the following: http://acadianaobgyn.com

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📕CATHOLIC REPUBLIC (SOPHIA, 2019): https://www.amazon.com/Catholic-Republic-America-Perish-Without/dp/1622828364
📘RULES FOR RETROGRADES (TAN, 2020): https://www.amazon.com/Rules-Retrogrades-Tactics-Defeat-Radical/dp/1505115930/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=rules+for+retrogrades&qid=1580355947&sr=8-1

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