Spooky rescue - watch until the end... or else!

2 years ago

This is the LAST VIDEO before we reach ONE BILLION views! As soon as we get to ONE BILLION, a NEW special video will be posted here: https://www.HopeForPaws.org - the way to make it happen FASTER is by sharing this video RIGHT NOW!

JoAnn Wiltz and Katie McKittrick rescued this family from and what happened at the hospital is something you have never seen before with special effects and music for Halloween :-)

If you are not following us on Instagram, please click here:

and if forgot to made a donation to Hope For Paws this year, then you're running out of time because 2020 is going to be here very soon! Your donation will help us post the next video sooner: https://www.HopeForPaws.org

If you would like to adopt these spooky kittens, please contact our friends at The Kitty Bungalow: https://www.KittyBungalow.org

Thank you so much!


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