Mississippi Bureau of Investigations Accused of Complicity and refusal to Act in Corruption Scandal

3 years ago

Oxford Outlaw Matt Reardon is fed up with the nonsense and especially the no-action agencies whom have not only a duty, but an obligation to answer this particular cry for help in helping to thwart public corruption. Yet nobody can be found. Nobody is stepping forward and up to the task. This puts Reardon back on the offensive and fiercely determined to accomplish his goal regardless of if he has help or has to do it all alone. One thing is for certain at this point. It would be a certain 14th amendment violation For the state of Mississippi to publicly try Reardon for any of its bullshit sham criminal complaints it’s levied against him on his quest to bring the truth to light. It’s time for the CROOKED crooked letter state to take the wooden plank out its own eye!

See more on Outlaw.News, RidingWithTheOutlaw.com, OxfordOutlaw.com, and MattReardon.com

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