WW II was lost to the Nazi's. With Malevolent Reptilian Help, they developed Anti-Gravity Saucers.

2 years ago

So much of history we think happened did not.

The astounding story of the Nazi's developing anti-gravity "flying saucers" is well documented now that time has allowed serious researchers to find the truth.

One of the most amazing collection of details is at the link here:

5/18/22: The link below, originally good when I posted this video has been removed. I have not been able to find a similar link or this same link which could be under another name: If it comes back, I'll let viewers know: Thank you Pacemaker for letting me know!

I invite you who are reacting to this post with WTF??! to explore more about this part of history that virtually no one knows about.

The presence of benevolent and malevolent galactic beings goes back thousands of years and yet with the control we have had with the Cabal, this history is totally unknown to most everyone on the planet.

Source of this brief video: https://t.me/SpaceForceGalacticFederation

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