Heather Honey: More ballots than voters is the tip of the iceberg for election integrity

2 years ago

Heather Honey lives in rural Pennsylvania, with corn in her backyard and election integrity on her mind. With a background in corporate investigations, open-source research and supply chain auditing, she was the perfect professional to personally discover election irregularities in her state and track them down through records requests, “outside the box” applications of technologies and forensic analysis.

Heather’s work led her to create Verity Voting, an organization dedicated to election transparency, matching the numbers of ballots with the number of citizens voting, and many other critical aspects of keeping lawful votes secure and accurately recorded while identifying discrepancies and breaches of election statutes.

In her interview with Cleta which is nothing short of stunning, Heather lays out in full detail significant problems with voter v. ballots counts, Pennyslvania’s Secretary of State blatantly blocking election integrity efforts while issuing political guidance that ignores law, and how Heather and her Verity Voting colleague have used brilliant and unique ways to quantify discrepancies and counter being blocked from access to public records by election officials.

In addition to its great work in Pennsylvania, Verity Voting has worked on chain of custody other process and counting irregularities in Arizona, with a new report about to be issued on problems in Michigan.

Don’t miss this insightful, blockbuster interview with Cleta Mitchell and Heather Honey.

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