Fox News: ‘Everybody Knows’ Ballot Boxes Are Ripe for Fraud

2 years ago

[00:30] ‘Ripe for Fraud’ (39 minutes)

On his show last night, Jesse Watters admitted, “[T]he ballot boxes are just ripe for fraud. Everybody knows that with common sense.” That said, Watters made no mention of Dinesh D’Souza’s film 2,000 Mules, which actually exposed ballot box fraud in the 2020 presidential election! On another Fox News show last week, Tucker Carlson's producers specifically told founder of True the Vote, Catherine Engelbrecht, not to mention D’Souza’s documentary during a segment. So Fox News will discuss ballot box fraud but not D’Souza’s film—why?

[39:10] Bible Study: Obedience to God’s Law Leads to Blessings (15 minutes)

The strength and success of ancient Israel depended on its obedience to God's laws, statutes and judgments. For spiritual Israel, God’s Church today, our prosperity and strength are also directly connected to our faithful observance of God’s perfect laws!

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