5 on Friday Vaping News Science and Advocacy for 2021 June 18th Fathers Day Weekend

3 years ago

This week people are suffering and dying, so ya all need to pay attention, get involved, and fight for basic human rights! This is the special Fathers Day Weekend Hunky Vape 5 on Friday Vaping News Science and Advocacy for 2021 June 18th. This week we have a nicotine cap in Canada, Police Brutality against kids who vape, another posh private school banning vaping... even with no drugs in the vape calling kids drug dealers, Cambria County Pennsylvania installing vape detectors, the WHO Tobacco Product Regulation Report and CAPHRA calling them out for not using science based policy making, and announcement of a New Hunky Vape project asking for your Vape Stories!

#HunkyVape #VapingNews #VapingScience #VapingAdvocacy #VapeNews #VapeScience #VapeAdvocacy

00:00 Fathers Day Weekend Hunky Vape 5 on Friday Vaping News Science and Advocacy for 2021 June 18th Fathers Day Weekend Introduction

00:20 Hunky Vape 5 on Friday Vaping News Science and Advocacy for 2021 June 18th Fathers Day Weekend Summary

18:02 Health Canada's nicotine caps will kill people
â–º https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/other/opinion-health-canada-s-nicotine-caps-will-kill-people/ar-BB1eDsCS

23:20 Lawmakers, advocates criticize Ocean City Police for excessive force after videos depict violent arrests of Black teens vaping
â–º https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/crime/bs-md-cr-ocean-city-police-teens-use-of-force-20210614-rrfnozh56vcadgggyehd2bheye-story.html

23:50 WOW. Cops tased this 17yo Black teen and repeatedly drove their knees into his ribs until he collapsed unconscious on the ground. Then they hogtied his arms/legs and placed in a police van… all over vaping??
â–º https://twitter.com/AttorneyCrump/status/1404297010564456450

25:01 Police in Ocean City Maryland tasered a 17-year-old teenager after they accused him of vaping yesterday.
â–º https://twitter.com/DrRJKavanagh/status/1404220794096455684

25:45 19-year-old kneed by officer says he prayed for protection
â–º https://www.centredaily.com/news/nation-world/national/article252132638.html

26:00 Don't Be Surprised When Stupid Laws Are Maintained With Force
â–º https://reason.com/2021/06/15/campaign-tobacco-free-kids-vaping-laws-force-ocean-city-maryland-cops-violence/

27:25 New Findings on Teens and Vaping
â–º https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/understanding-addiction/202106/new-findings-teens-and-vaping

31:20 Scotch College
â–º https://www.scotch.wa.edu.au/

31:35 Perth private school bans vaping amid rise in e-cigarette use
â–º https://www.6pr.com.au/perth-private-school-bans-vaping-amid-rise-in-e-cigarette-use/

35:10 3 area schools receive funding to install vape detectors
â–º https://wjactv.com/news/local/3-area-schools-receive-funding-to-install-vape-detectors

36:50 Experts warn Asia-Pacific leaders on WHO’s ‘baseless’ vaping rules
â–º https://manilastandard.net/business/economy-trade/357393/experts-warn-asia-pacific-leaders-on-who-s-baseless-vaping-rules.html

39:45 Voices 4 Vapers
â–º https://voices4vape.org/
â–º https://twitter.com/voices4vape

42:15 CAPHRA Asia Pacific
â–º https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YWJYX3CRtw&t=22s

44:20 Hunky Vape New Project Announcement looking for your vape stories

47:35 Fathers Day Weekend Hunky Vape 5 on Friday Vaping News Science and Advocacy for 2021 June 18th Fathers Day Weekend Conclusion

Scientific Review Article Summary: A comprehensive evidence review of electronic cigarettes and their role in tobacco harm reduction
â–º https://www.bat-science.com/groupms/sites/BAT_B9JBW3.nsf/vwPagesWebLive/DOC3FEAC/$FILE/Scientific%20Review%20Vaping.pdf

â–º https://www.patreon.com/HunkyVape

--- Join HUNKY VAPE on Facebook ---
â–º https://www.facebook.com/HunkyVapeUS

--- HUNKY VAPE Website ---
â–º https://hunkyvape.com/

â–º https://vaportechnology.org/
â–º https://www.casaa.org/
â–º https://vaping.org/
â–º https://sfata.org/

â–º https://voices4vape.org/
â–º https://caphraorg.net/

â–º https://www.legalisevaping.com.au/
â–º https://athra.org.au/

â–º https://www.tobaccokills.ca/
â–º https://thecva.org/
â–º https://www.rights4vapers.com/

â–º https://www.eurovape.eu/

â–º https://vpasa.org.za/

--- United Kingdom ADVOCACY ---
â–º https://nnalliance.org/

--- Global ADVOCACY ---
â–º https://www.worldvapersalliance.com/

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