3 Speech Podcast - Ep 7 - Noel Clark Auditions & Joe Rogan Apology

3 years ago

On this weeks 3 speech podcast, Nico Yearwood, Leo Kearse, Darius Davies & Mooch talk about:

Types of Cancellation
Noel Clark
Awful Audition Stories
SNP and the Hate Crime bill (AGAIN)
Gyms Reopening and fleecing Nico
Joe Rogan Apologising

0:00 Start
01:11 Dismal Intro
02:24 Alistair Williams is our lost subscriber
05:15 Types of cancellation
05:30 Is Laurence Fox a failed Actor or do we not watch enough movies
08:50 Leo’s poor acting abilities & spotlight audition tapes
13:10 Repeat of last 4 podcasts (Hate Crime Bill Recap)
16:35 Nico West Indian Accent Audition Fiasco
18:45 Nico Roasts his Audition panel
21:30 Leo’s American TV show
24:40 SNP shut down Leos hustings
26:10 Moochs Mate tries to buy a gun on Telegram
27:14 3D Printing guns
28:30 Michelangelo Hand of God
28:50 Black Bald Jesus
29:01 Leos Turkish Hair Transplant
31:50 Gyms reopening
33:01 Noel Clark
35:49 Comic Sans is a terrible font
39:40 Joe Rogan Cancelled / Conspiracies and Shills
45:02 Joe Budden Podcast
45:52 Darius’ diary carpet & USB dildo
46:01 Never apologise & Joey Diaz can’t be Cancelled
53:01 Nazi Police Officer Bedroom
54:01 James Cameron Avatar Video
55:30 Darius DMT VAPE pen
57:40 Queen Honours Sex Toy Company
58:52 Leo starts in a Fleetwood Mac Film
1:00:01 Brian Rose & the benefits of drinking Piss
01:05:01 Oscars Ratings Disaster
01:12:10 Mic Issues
01:12:30 Noel Clark BREAKING NEWS
01:15:10 Fake Indian Death pics
01:16:10 Leo Roasts Darius


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:: MOOCH ::
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