God is good all the time 513: Taking the High Ground for God

2 years ago

Don't you mean taking the high road to reach God? No, I actually mean just that taking the high ground for God. Most people say that they are taking the high road by not being angry or mean or abusive or harsh with people that may disagree with us. And there are a number of ministries that are saying for it's followers to do just that because they are called out of the way for God's purpose and they don't need to even deal with those other people. Well that's not the case. We are a chosen people that have the light of truth in our lives and we are to do those types of things just because it is the right thin g to do; BUT we also have to disagree without being disagreeable when people are wrong and are trying to cause problems. Join us as we look at the idea of taking the high ground for God.

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