Terrorizing SCOTUS, Invading Catholic Churches, is SSPV Schismatic?, Marrying an Unwed Mother, Repenting of Abortion

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In this special episode of What Catholics Believe, Father Jenkins answers viewer questions and discusses current events from a traditional Catholic perspective: First, Pray for Tom and the Neagele family, who are ill, and for a young mother who suffered a serious car accident and in need of surgery — pray for her and her family; pray for the souls of Fr. Dolan, Fr. Cekada, and Fr. Randolph. A viewer asks how to answer the accusation that the SSPV is in schism and that to participate is to put your soul in danger; schism, to cut oneself off from the authority of the Church, is objectively a mortal sin; Church approved theologians — material schism, being separated from a true reigning pontiff from ignorance, can be inculpable; the real question — is the SSPV, or any traditional Catholic group or priest, in schism?; if you are following Catholic tradition it is impossible to be in schism; whether those who don’t follow tradition are in schism; to break with tradition is to break with the authority of the Church; to break with tradition is to break from the Holy Ghost; Francis’ “God of surprises” and new doctrines; Catholic tradition — popes or supposed popes can go into schism; Francis’ repeatedly breaking with tradition is obvious; Francis does not believe the traditional Catholic catechism. A viewer asks, Can I be the godmother for a baby baptized in the “old rite” from a non-traditional priest?; the phrases of “old rite” vs. “new rite — meaning traditional rite vs. Novus Ordo rite (a better way to express it); Novus Ordo priests (FFSP); practicing the traditional Catholic religion in the Novus Ordo?; accepting responsibility impossible to fulfill as a traditional Catholic; Thuc-line priests. A viewer asks, Is it okay for a Catholic man to marry a never-married single mom?; it is no sin to date and marry her as long as she is free to marry; the question of her present character and adherence to the Catholic religion is important; women who repented and became saints; Mary Magdalene next to the cross and held up by our Lord as an example; the husband is responsible for helping his wife be the best Catholic she can be by himself being the best Catholic he can be. A viewer asks whether there is special penance that needs to be done for the sin of abortion; Church — abortion is a sin and a crime; automatic excommunication for participating (aiding) in abortion; the internal forum (sin in the soul) and the external forum (scandal); ask the confessor for forgiveness and means of public reparation; have confidence in our Lord for the grace of repentance and forgiveness. Pro-abortionists’ call to assault churches in the face of the leak about overturning Roe v Wade and the insurrection against the judiciary branch of the United States; Biden and democrat support for opposition to SCOTUS; the five justices against Roe v Wade — Alito, Kavanaugh, Barrett, Thomas, Gorsuch; intimidating the Supreme Court justices; mobs outside the homes of justices Kavanaugh and Alito; Alito and family in hiding; Alito’s summary and analysis of Roe v Wade; Investigating the leak; the Traditional Catholic perspective about what is happening to our country; Justice Roberts taking the slow road against Roe v Wade?; the Roe v Wade decision in 1973 — our country lost its soul; “Potential life” — constitutional law or bad philosophy?; deciding who is human; Ruth Ginsberg and Biden originally — Roe v Wade a legal mess; the danger of politicians in the courts — negotiation instead of principles; pray for the justices that they would decide rightly on principle; Biden’s nominations are political activists; outstanding questions about Biden’s “election”; argeting Catholic Churches as oppressive to women “The Handmaid’s Tale” — the democrats and Jeffery Epstein?; bright people can think, speak, and act stupidly; the treatment of women outside the influence and teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ; “Ruth sent us”; the Novus Ordo not a great obstacle to legalized abortion; Novus Ordo bishops — abortion “not a Catholic issue”; Vatican II the Great Reset in the Church; recognition of the historic Catholic Church as the great enemy of evil; pro-abortion — hatred of Christ; the malice of pro-abortion women manifests ugliness and the demonic; invading the Churches on Mother’s Day — hatred of motherhood; Lilith festivals; being complicit in child-murder; “they want to abort it because they know it is a child”; anti-rationality and sin against the Holy Ghost; abortuaries as essential services during lockdowns; Mary Elizabeth Williams in Salon Magazine: “So What if Abortion Ends Life?” — “all life is not equal” — “I would put life of a mother over the life of a fetus every time”. And finally: all this — Roe v Wade, the Great Reset, Vatican II — is a hatred of God; we are in a spiritual battle; allegiance to Christ the King; be grateful for having to pay the price for loyalty to Christ; the examples of St. Peter and St. Thomas More.

This video was livestreamed on 5/10/2022.

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