Jesus Is The Good News. Watch Now Learn Who He Is And What The Whole Bible Says About Him.

2 years ago

You will discover who this Jesus is and what he is all about.

He was God the Son before anything existed and He created this universe and the world with His Father God and God the Holy Spirit. He made you and me. He also came down to this Earth, born of a virgin, and after 33 years He died on a cross, and shed His blood so that the payment for all of our sins would be made. Then after 3 days he rose from the dead and is alive today. If you choose Christ, then you will be in paradise with him forever.

At the end of this episode, if you never received Christ to be born again, you can by praying a simple, sincere prayer. So, why turn this down? If you need hope and peace, Jesus can give you real hope. Not the hope of this world but the hope of heaven.

You will see a fresh new Video, every Friday, 11AM, Pacific Time.

You will learn to use the Whole Bible to Understand the Bible. You will see how the Old Testament is key to understanding New Testament books like Revelation. You will gain the knowledge of typology and how it works to deepen your understanding of Jesus Christ. You will go deeper into the scriptures and be blessed because your heart will be ablaze with the love of God.

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Link to the Road to Emmaus Playlist - How to see Jesus in the Old Testament:

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