2 years ago

People like Steve Carel and these Brain-washed PEDO-WOOD Satanic Cabal members have NO MORAL COMPASS -- so why would you listen to these PUPPETS.
The Brainwashing, Ignorance Testing experiment that went on over the last few years means your children will never know a real life.
Kids get the CLOT SHOT their reproductive organs shut down... Males and Females. They get a nice little microchip in the CLOT SHOT - to be tracked and stalked by the Government and new banking system.
They will not know a clear sky because the same people that tried the PLANdemic HOAX are the same evil people Spraying the clouds on a daily basis. Controlled our weather AND spraying us all ( plants, humans, animals) with highly toxic heavy metal particles... No-one wears a mask for that .... ???

We're all in this together was the BULLSH!T Marketing Slogan they used.... then all the braindead SHEEPLE went out and were SELFISH to get the Experimental KILL SHOT... so you could go to the pub - so you could travel - so you could keep your job...
While the rest of the Country Crumbling and were pushed passed breaking point --- and you tossed the PRO CHOICE people that WARNED you all that HEART ATTACKS are about to go through the roof.. kids are going to die and this is nothing more than a population CULL....

THEN in this video .. he even says.. ok .. not really all in this together.... HHHMmmmmm

You were selfish and stupid for getting the CLOT SHOT . that's on you !! It doesnt stop you from getting nor spreading it....
so how the F@CK are you " Protecting NANA"? hahahahahahah

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