Charleston Mayor Illegally Kicks ONLY Woman Out Of City Council Over Mask

3 years ago

Newly elected Caroline Parker is the ONLY female council member in Charleston, SC City Council. On January 25th, a colleague, Mr. Gregorie, coaxed Mayor John Tecklenburg into expelling her from the chambers and executive session because of her mask exemption. Councilman Gregorie has made no secret of his disdain for Mrs. Parker in the recent past.
Mayor Tecklenburg made it a point to say that masks must be worn UNLESS one is speaking...which is antithetical to the most basic scientific understanding of surgical masks and obviously makes no sense. After Mrs. Parker was expelled from the chamber, the other members of council (all male) could be seen with their own masks off for extended periods of time throughout the meeting.
Let's break down why this is happening to conservative Caroline Parker, and what is happening to #charlestonsc in general.
#masks #mandate #southcarolina

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