MAJOR Press Conference SC Legislature!! 11/9 & Clear Your Calendar For January 11th!!

3 years ago

We are traveling ALL over the state of South Carolina, in order to bring you information that WILL be affecting you, your family, and your freedoms in the VERY near future. Earlier we were in #myrtlebeachsc touching base with conservatives for some coming collaborations
We are making our way to #columbiasc for a couple of meetings to the same end, and tomorrow morning we will be in #greenvillesc for a press conference from the "Gates of Hell Caucus" and guys, THIS one is important. Join us if you can, tune in here at 10am if you can't be there.
The State Legislature goes back on January 11th. We need you to go ahead and clear your calendar for that day. Trust me. It's not something you are going to want to miss. Also, #charlestonsc Charleston County School District has voted to end the mandates! Lets see what happens there

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