The Root of Freemasonry & Enochian Magic - Gary Wayne Interview

3 years ago

Gary Wayne, author of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy: How Secret Societies and the Descendants of Giants Plan to Enslave Mankind, details the role of modern-day Nephilim in Satan’s plan to install the Antichrist at the End of Days.

Gary Wayne is a Christian contrarian who has maintained a lifelong love affair with biblical prophecy, history and mythology. His extensive study has encompassed the Bible and Gnostic scriptures, the Qur’an, the Bhagavad Gita, Gilgamesh and other ancient epics, language etymology, and secret society publications.

What Wayne proposes with his research is the essential thread of legitimate supernatural history that runs through all major world conspiracies, histories and religions. Even if you believe that the Nephilim, Satan or God Himself never existed, consider this:

The idea that corrupt royal families believe they are the descendants of God or some supernatural race and that they are hellbent on ruling the earth under one world government really doesn't seem like that much of a stretch when you consider what's going on nowadays.

After all, the Nazi's believed themselves to be descended from alien gods and tried to rule the world. Come to think of it, so did the Pharaoh's of Egypt, The Yellow Emperor of China and every other psychotic tyrant that has thought to villainize history by playing God.

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