Julians freedom is your freedom (20 minute interview) - Assange rallies in Europe

2 years ago

None of the organisers had ever dreamt it would be this much of a success. The Free Assange Wave in Brussels kicked off with a panel session on Friday evening, the 22nd of April 2022, and continued the next day with a protest rally, laced with high-profile speakers and dedicated artists. In this podcast, Potkaars interviews the organisers who describe how seemingly out of nowhere, a bunch of unaffiliated Europe-based Assange campaigners got together online and organised it. This is a twently minute edit of ther full 70 minute interview that can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/s2Lb4iuLPqg

The organisers discuss the travelling statue 'Anything to say' with its creator and a new rally and art exhibition event coming up in Leipzig Germany on July 2nd and 3rd. They call artists to action on every stage, much like they did themselves in Brussels april 22nd where guest speakers included Christophe Marchand, Assange’s Belgian human rights lawyer and member of Assange’s international legal team. Musician David Rovics, and speeches by UK MP Jeremy Corbyn, Iceland’s ex-minister Ögmundur Jonásson, EU MP Mick Wallace, Annie Machon (ex-MI5) and German MP Andrej Hunko.

Throughout this interview you'll see images from the event and of a performace blending into Assange’s voice chiming over La Place de la Monnaie where Stella Assange voiced a heart-breaking and hopeful ‘Thank You’ to all present, while her husband’s words resonated:

“If you give up what is uniquely yours, as a human being, if you surrender your consciousness, your independence, your sense of what is right and what is wrong, in other words, perhaps, without knowing it, you become passive and controlled, unable to defend yourselves and those you love. We have to educate each other. We have to celebrate those who reveal the truth. Denounce those who poison our ability to comprehend the world that we live in.”

Please sign RSF’s petition: https://rsf.org/en/petition/freeassange-sign-urge-uk-home-secretary-priti-patel-reject-julian-assange’s-extradition

the dance/speech performance on April 22nd in Brussels can be seen here in full source https://youtu.be/s2Lb4iuLPqg

report/article (in Dutch) https://potkaars.nl/blog/2022/5/10/julians-vrijheid-is-jouw-vrijheid-verslag-van-assange-rallies-in-europa-engels

guests: Davide Dormino, James Andrew, Marie France Deprez, Manja McCade, Michelle Aslanides,
Kamila Grzymala, Djamila le Pair
host: Rico Brouwer

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