Heal Inner Child Meditation

3 years ago

Heal Inner Child Meditation

So many of us feel broken inside
If you were raised by codependents or addicts or by perfectionists, narcissists, overly demanding or controlling caregivers.
Or by disconnected caregivers with wounded inner children that never got the healed themselves
Some of us grew up feeling not seen, heard, believed.

Your inner child is the part of you that you’ve hidden away and protected. The part that dissociated and created a fragmented adult, a compartmentalizing adult, sometimes also called the "adaptive child" which is an adult part that developed from the frightened child who had to grow up too fast. Although the "adaptive child is capable of managing many responsibilities, it destroys relationships and suffers deeply inside. The playful and creative ACTUAL child part is the part that we’ve learned to hide in order to survive.

The Inner Child is a source of pure joy, play, creativity and pleasure. Integrating those parts of you i healing.

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