Article III Court of Record for Kidnapping of Children! Editorial Summary 5-6-22

2 years ago

Article III Court of Record:

A woman/California state national is convening her Article III Court of Record as is her right under law to deal with the criminal trespasses against her and her biological property (two children) that was removed and is being kept from her in violation of her due process.

This is a quick editorial rough summary of this jury trial. This is a new format for 99% of Americans so we need to take it slow and learn over time. Details will come in future videos. What I try to do is to listen and get a cursory view. I am generally familiar with the law, mostly conventional criminal, business, and family law due to my experience. I can navigate well. With new experiences such as this, I am looking for a rough overview of the case facts. Then I am looking for the cause of action such as who is the victim and the suspect or who is the plaintiff and respondent. Then I am looking for jurisdiction. What case law and/or statutory law gives this court jurisdiction over this case. Since our courts and government are so illegitimate, this jurisdictional issue should be simple, but it can devolve into literal pages upon pages of evidence. Further, into the case I look for statutory law, common law, or case law that supports a direction where we can find the outcome. Here is the deal with "normies" like me as it relates to this. I have been trained in the "normal" law that we all know as "common." What I am beginning to discover is that common law really is not that common. Common law, thought I have not defined it to my own perfect definition, is the law that has purposely been hidden from most of the population to deny our rights and defraud us! I would also like to say that common law can kind of be expressed as "reading between the lines," as a metaphor. Common law also seems to be like the universal laws that has been around for hundreds of years and has evolved. There are maxims and sayings related to common law to express what appear to be universal truths in law.

The Khazarian Mafia and the royal family ruling elites or their representatives have twisted, manipulated, and corrupted the system by adding a bunch of statutes, administrative laws, procedures, and even random things that do not seem to be written anywhere to hide the real common law from We the People. When I sit in court and see that paperwork is stamped, but not filed, not given to the judge and then the judge does not answer questions, does not address arguments of a person pleading their case, etc. - well that is weird is just a cloak of darkness over the common law. I also see judges just make up a decision without citing statute and/or case law to back up that decision. The judge is cloaked in the same manner as the common law – with a robe giving the judge special authority or power that is used to intimidate people pleading a case. Part of that process of cloaking for intimidation and authority is to keep the person pleading the case off balance. From here, the judge often “does whatever the judge wants to do” without explanation or genuinely authoritative citing.
If a pleading has anything to do with the Constitution, and the judge believes the Constitution does NOT apply, the judge should explain why using case law, maxims, historical explanation to shed light on the case precedents, etc. Many or most of the time this does not happen. What often happens instead is that the BAR attorneys who claim to have BAR licenses do not really have BAR licenses from what I am being shown and told. The bar cards do not have the Oath on the back of the card which is to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. This Oath is required via California law. The BAR attorneys are also in violation of the Titles of Nobility Act which states that we cannot have persons carrying titles of nobility (i.e., BAR attorneys who swear allegiance to the Crown of London). Those who carry titles of nobility and work in our courts and government are supposed to lose their citizenship. The same holds true with those who work in government and take gifts from those with titles of nobility or from those who are representing a foreign nation. These statements here alone would drain most of our government of most of our fake leaders. The main point on the BAR attorneys is that they are masters at steering their clients in the wrong direction.

The BAR attorneys are GREAT GRAND MASTER EXPERTS AT STEERING AWAY FROM THE US CONSTITUTION!!!! The more a person pays the BAR attorney, the more that BAR attorney will let you claim your rights in court. This process is 1000% against the US Constitution and the California Constitution as due process is violated (fairness) and equal protection under the law (person gets same protection of the elites). We all know the ordinary person without a high net worth often is handed a raw deal. The judges and both attorneys on a case get paid bonuses according to how the case is resolved. The court system makes literally trillions of dollars per year that do not go to the American people. The idea of giving bonuses to judges and the attorneys is shocking to the conscience. Many of the cases, if not all, in our nation's history should be heard all over again on that one issue alone. We are operating under a fake US Constitution, a fake California Constitution, fake Oaths of Office, a fake corporate structure instead of a Democratic Republic which is not a corporation. The corporation is called the US Corporation I believe. It is like a manager for United States of America Republic that is not operational. The United States Corporation is like a third party that does not belong here, does not have real skin in the game, is not part of our Constitutional lineage, and operates like a business trying to make money as its most high priority!!! A Republic is more like an entity that the people jointly share in. It is set up as a sort of trust. There is a big difference in what a trust is according to how people know trusts now. A trust is set up to safeguard what is valuable, NOT to whore away what is valuable. One of the ideas of a trust is to safeguard assets so they will be there for future generations. This is the spirit of Patriotism and love for our people, our heritage, our lineage and our children and grandchildren. This is the ABSOLUTE MORAL DUTY OF ALL MEN AND WOMEN and is part of the idea of a trust compared to a corporation used to make a quick buck by people running it that have no relation to you, by nationality or origin. And what I mean by that is the Khazarian Mafia has an agenda completely opposite of anything good that made America in 1776. There is no common ground between them and We the People. The common ground bonding the Founding Fathers of America to We the People currently as well as that which holds society together is that we all believe the same fundamental, but life-affirming set of values and rules given to us by God, yet expressed in the Constitution to remind us and reflect back to us in difficult times when light is needed in our hour of darkness! The same can be said of any people coming to America no matter what their race or national origin is. These people are often refugees or immigrants looking for the freedom our Constitution already reminds them that they had, but have overlooked or have not had the ability to use due to unlawful suppression. In summary, the Khazarian Mafia Fake US Corporation is not structured with the deep roots and purpose of the Constitutional Republic – the United States of America, the Republic. Additionally, it is not built in with various safeguards that the Republic must prevent mob rule or ruler of the majority over the minority. Our Founding Fathers were pure genius in their ability to find this balance to hold back the tyranny of man possessed by and evil heart lurking in the dark shadows of our government cunning and planning on ways to hurt We the People! The Constitution and Founding Documents will ALWAYS BE OUR WEAPON OF CHOICE TO REPEL ANY INVASION OF EVIL!!! AND REMEMBER THIS: THOSE FOUNDING DOCUMENTS ORIGINATE FROM THE WORD OF GOD ALMIGHTY AS WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE!!!!

The corporation is run by the Khazarian Mafia which are from the western Turkic empire. They are a very dangerous, sneak, cunning, deliberately evil crime syndicate. A frightening experience with the Khazarian Mafia, one good close call or living under their attack will take any man back to the days of 1776 when our Founding Fathers lived under their choking hell! Since I have experienced their terror in my own life through the pandemic, riots, voter fraud, and deprivation of rights, I have come to appreciate in a more realistic way what our Founding Fathers meant when they described their own hell in the Declaration of Independence. Before the words were benign, intellectual script living as ancient scripted stone about paying too many taxes. Now I can see that our Founding Fathers knew where they were headed and what would their children and grandchildren would have to endure. This depth of diabolical depravity demands a conveyance vitally important to the next generation so they can protect and defend the sacred freedom and honor that has been generously bestowed upon us. We can illustrate this to our children by having them step into the war as we engage the enemy now through exciting civic duties, exciting calls to action, and exciting organizing ourselves into strong communities into the future. Yes, all that I affirm here lives and breathes as extremely relevant to the common law and determines whether it stay hidden and dead or alive and relevant.
The key point is that they hide, cover, and avoid the common law to make huge profits through, theft, fraud, racketeering, murder and so many other crimes. Therefore, the common law and many of the statutory laws that sit side-by-side near other laws that we may know remain hidden from all of us. This is clearly UNNATURAL. This law should be taught to us from childhood in broader, simpler, and more concrete terms for a foundation and then lead into the finer details, nuances, and examples of application up through our education. This common law can be used in daily life because it seems to be broader and more encompassing. For example, one of the maxims I keep hearing around the sovereign state national community is "Do no harm!" Can any of you beginning legal scholars understand that one???!!!! See how easy it can be sometimes? A parallel set of sayings that can help us understand the common law would be to show the common, but simple sayings from Christianity that most of us know such as "Love your neighbor as yourself" or "Do unto others as you would have them do to you." Our enemies have complicated, contaminated, infected, and polluted our common law to create an endless cycle of “new” laws that need to constantly be integrated into our society to the point of self-destruction! Yes, and they have conspired this path to darkness deliberately to keep We the People in the bondage of slavery for their profit!!!!

I am convinced that the law as we know it today was made especially complicated and was hidden from us since childhood so that the Khazarian Mafia (those who run the Federal Reserve, lobby, and bribe our government, etc.) could intimidate us. By the time we dig through giant books of codes, any normal person would be frightened, intimidated, or overwhelmed. One experience like that and we can easily say to ourselves, "I am not going in there again!" This is what the Khazarian Mafia wants! They want you to hire them through their BAR attorneys so they can introduce one more way to rip you off!!! All this nonsense covers over the common law, important case law, and statutory law that We the People need to know to win battles, protect ourselves, defend our honor and all that we have worked for and all that is good, including, but not limited to our families and loved ones.

Finally, if the Khazarian Mafia unlawful fake corporation court system would become VOID, the Khazarian Mafia removed from power, a curse of predatory evil would be lifted to clear our eyes, ears, hearts, and minds. This is important as the Khazarian Mafia sets the mood, culture, rules, traditions, and expectations, both written and unwritten. When the veil of evil is pulled back and the light shines in, We the People become close to the light and much, much further from the evil interfering with how we relate and operate using the law. In such an environment, “doing no harm, “ is much easier than doing evil and having to navigate a thousand codes to hide that evil Khazarian Mafia style!!! It is in this new world the common law, case law, hidden law, maxims, and the hidden gems of law expressed through the understanding of history are interwoven throughout our law’s fabric while radiating a much clearer image to us see.

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