How To Text A Man - The Secret To Texting Guys

3 years ago

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After coaching thousands of clients, I'll tell you one big mistake that women typically make with texting men: They are way too predictable.

Men are like dolphins...

happy dolphin How To Text A Man Into Marrying You 3 Psychological Tricks

Let me explain that last statement - because this one tip is something you can use on a man no matter what you're doing with him.

The way that those trainers get a dolphin to do tricks in all those aquatic shows is that they use something called "variable reinforcement."

That means that when the dolphins are being trained to learn a trick, they don't get a fish every time they do the trick - like you see them getting during the show.

No, the dolphins start out by getting a fish all the time. And very soon they only get a fish every so often. At a variable interval that is unpredictable.


Because all living things respond better to uncertain schedules of reward.
What does that odd scientific phrase mean?

It means: People respond better when we DON’T know when - or IF - we’re going to get a treat.

If you KNOW you're getting a treat at the same time, you start to take it for granted. And then you stop trying or working for it. This is basic motivational psychology.

Sure, we'd like to THINK that a person will keep working for it.

But the truth is that they won't. And this is especially true of MEN.

The second you start texting him - or calling or emailing or whatever - regularly, that's when his little lizard brain will start yelling: BO-O-ORING!

And he's going to look elsewhere for fun.

It's not that he's trying to be a dick, he's just motivated by challenge.

Let me say that again for the cheap seats:

A man is motivated by CHALLENGE!
If you're working hard to make it easy for him, you're missing a big opportunity without realizing it. YOU think if you make yourself convenient, he'll just default to calling you, or boinking you, or dating you.


He needs you to demonstrate higher value (DHV) by showing him you're in demand and can't be pinned down.

The human mind focuses on things that are rare and hard-to-get - for a reason.

Too easy = too common.

Which also = not valuable.

You need to have him on his toes more than a running back in the 4th quarter of the Super Bowl, ya dig?

running back How To Text A Man Into Marrying You 3 Psychological Tricks

You also have to keep him focused ON YOU - not on his own lame little concerns. A man works best when he's providing and helping make YOUR life happy - because that's a built in drive for him.

Remember this one, because it's the secret key that will get you into his heart...

For more - Watch the video!

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
How To Text A Man

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