SAVE the VOTE Restoring FAITH in Elections Rally

2 years ago

May 15, 2022 from 3pm - 8pm, at Tonto Apache Tribal Gymnasium located at 30 Tonto Apache Reservation, Payson, AZ 85541. The Restoring FAITH in Elections Rallys' intent is to help wake up people to the reality of voter fraud.  Our right to vote is the most important right our forefathers have fought for over and over again. It’s our time to stand up and fight for our freedom. Peacefully demand the laws are followed and accountability is equally administered when crimes are committed. We’re hoping to light a fire under Americans to Wake Up, Catch Up, Stand Up, & Speak Up. Featured speakers are Captain Seth Keshel and Dr. Douglas Frank election intelligence experts.  Guest Speakers are AZ State and Local Candidates who are fighting for our constitutional right of free and fair elections:  Kari Lake for Governor of AZ, Mark Finchem for AZ Sec. of State, John Fillmore for AZ House LD7, Wendy Rogers for AZ Senate LD7, Liz Harris for AZ HOUSE LD13, Ron Watkins for Congress CD2, Abe Hamadeh for AZ Attorney General, Shiry Sapir for AZ Superintendent of Public Education, Sherra Kissee for Gila County Supervisor D1, Doug Laird for Mayor of Payson, Steve Otto for Payson Town Council, Jim Ferris for Payson Town Council, and Suzy Tubbs-Avakian for Payson Town Council. Tickets on sale now!

All proceeds benefit SAVE the Vote, PAC.  SAVE the Vote, PAC is a Political Action Committee dedicated to promoting and supporting candidates who are servants of the people, who have strong conservative and constitutional values, and believe in preserving our God given rights determined by the actions of the individual, not just their words.  God Bless the USA!

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