ex muslim explains how to share the Gospel with muslims

3 years ago

The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation, for the Jews first and gentiles. in 1 Corinthians 1:22-24 the Bible says: " the Jews seek for a sign and gentiles ask for wisdom but we preach Christ and Him crucified...." What is the Gospel? the Gospel is the Good News of the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus from the dead after He was crucified on the Cross, died and was buried and rose from the dead after three days. this is the Gospel. the best way to share the Gospel with Muslims is to explain God's plan for salvation and use Old Testament stories like passover, the snake on the pole in the wilderness, Noah's Ark, etc... to share the Gospel and remember that it's the job of the hOly Spirit to convict people of sin, righteousness and judgment. Sometimes people hear the Gospel but years later they surrender their lives to the Lord Jesus. Pray for them to open their hearts and their eyes be opened to the truth.

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