Mikki Willis joins Mike Adams to talk about how we can HEAL and RECOVER from the plandemic

2 years ago

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Mikki Willis joins Mike Adams to talk about how we can HEAL from division and RECOVER from the plandemic

Interviewed by Mike Adams, filmmaker Mikki Willis talked about his new book titled “Plandemic Indoctornation” that will be launched at the end of August. He related that the investigative reporter who helped conduct interviews and write the book was not on their side at the start of the project, but flipped sides and embraced their views as they completed the work.

Willis said his inspiration mainly comes from being a father, noting that kids these days don’t have the same privileges that previous generations have enjoyed because of the current situation. He said it amazes him that there are people who want to reduce liberties and fun experiences. Willis said it doesn’t take much to have a great life, but it ultimately takes a relationship.

According to Willis, our connection with others has been destroyed in the past year because of measures like social distancing. He said we now have a generation growing up with a fear of being human, fear of germs and fear of kissing and hugging. Willis called those fears the saddest elements of the past year’s outcome, while Adams called them the most effective weapons against humanity.

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