2 years ago

A video essay about Turning Red and how it relates to conquering our beast nature through the power of the Holy Spirit.

C O N T A C T :
Instagram: marc.williams.haiti

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M U S I C :

Thou shalt Honor thy Father and thy mother….NOT!

OK y’all take a look at this….The very first line of the movie is:

Honor yourself!

Say what?

Ok u know what, maybe this is the start of a character transformation.
You know where the hero starts the story as somebody who has a character flaw,
but then overcomes that flaw by the end of the story,
which we call the hero’s arc or transformation.
So that’s what’s happening here….right?

“My Panda, My Choice?”
Children like to repeat lines that they hear in movies.
Obviously My Panda, My Choice, is a play on my body, my choice which is a saying used by those who advocate for abortion.
In addition to that, it’s the attitude she’s showing towards her mother that she’s gonna do things her way no matter what….even though she’s still a child.
Now there is something to be said about overbearing parents, but I’ve been a teacher for a decade, and I must say, that I’ve noticed this selfish attitude amongst the kids more and more over the years.
Which is why I’ve stopped teaching for now and am working on my YouTube channel, but that’s besides the point.
This is where art imitates life, watch as the heroic climax of the movie isn’t the hero sacrificing herself in one way or another in order to save a group of people.
The heroic moment is the child twerking in her mother’s face for about 30 seconds straight.
That’s it.
That’s the biggest moment.
That’s what everything led up to.
In the ten commandments, the 5th commandment is:
“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.

This movie seems to go directly in opposition to that.

No wonder a lot of believers are boycotting Disney.

It also goes against the scriptures when it shows a character
Embracing a lifestyle that does not keep in step with the Holy Spirit.
“But I was born this way and God doesn’t make mistakes.”

Yes, they are born that way.
And Yes, God designed this world without mistakes.
But through sin, death entered and now we live in a fallen world.
And we are born into a fallen nature.
That’s why Jesus said we must be born again.
And that we must walk in Truth and keep in step with the Holy Spirit.

The world doesn’t understand this.
And it’s becoming more apparent that some churches don’t either.

And Is it just me or are animated films getting more spiritual? Encanto, avatar, turning red.

Turning Red contains eastern spirituality, ancestor worship AKA calling upon the dead, chanting, upkeeping a temple for ancestral prayer…

Now they kind of were on to something in an eastern spirituality kind of way with separating the flesh and spirit towards the end of the film.
But ultimately, Turning Red wants to embrace the inner beast and live with the mess that beast creates.
“We’ve all got an inner beast,“We’ve all got a messy, loud, weird part of ourselves hidden away. And a lot of us never let it out. But I did. How about you?”

We’ve seen this story before in the Incredible Hulk and in Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Characters who are not able to control their beast nature and therefore inflict a lot of damage.

Even Marshawn Lynch knows about going Beast Mode.

Will Smith slap.

Not only to the people around us, but also to ourselves.

But this type of behavior is exactly what Turning Red advocates.
It’s just Under the guise of empowerment and being true to yourself.
embrace who you are, even your dangerous impulses and reckless vices, and don’t let anyone stop you, especially not your parents.

Hollywood advocates for following your inner beastly impulses, but then bans you for doing so.

Rafiki, “I’m not the one who’s confused

It really is confusing and if you don’t go beast on your beast nature, then you’re gonna get got.

Traditionally, the idea in these Jekyll/Hyde stories is that humans are inherently conflicted—our fleshly passions are at odds with our logic and good will, with the former often leading us to utter chaos and destruction, while the latter helps us to cultivate character and virtue and avoid the potential damage our beastly passions might cause.

Romans 7 talks all about That battle.

But What you’ll not find in the New Testament, however, is an encouragement to just accept that there are “two sides of yourself” and embrace them both as essential parts of “who you are.” The Bible never encourages us to accept the beastly sides of our fallen natures as sanctified and good.
“Embrace the mess” may be a cute coffee mug slogan, but if it justifies sinful behavior under the banner of “authenticity” and expressive identity,

Turning Red teaches us to feed, not conquer, the beast within.

#TurningRed #Jesus #Disney

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