Aluminium poisoning: the croissant test

2 years ago

Excerpt from the documentary "ALUMINIUM - LE FILM QUI VACCINE" by Philippe RADAULT, broadcast on the Télé Bocal channel (channel 31 - TNT) on Friday May 11, 2018.

The film was made in consultation with Professor Romain GHERARDI (director of the INSERM Unit U955 E10 of the Paris-Est University "Cellular interactions in the neuromuscular system"; head of the Histology-Embryology department of the Henri Mondor hospital in Créteil), as well as Professor Christopher EXLEY and Doctor Michelle COQUET.

Summary :
Many vaccines contain aluminum but it's "too little for its neurotoxic effects to be felt", according to the WHO.
In reality, we now know that the injected aluminum is captured by macrophages, spreads in the body and can reach the brain, and stay there permanently.


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